is nowdays the best site to watch movies online free. The site offers a huge HD movies amount for watch online by streaming. All classic films like The Graduate, The Godfather and A Space Odissey to the latest releases, all in HD quality (1080p most of them).
Niter TV user only has to look for a movie, and click on “Watch Movie Now”, as easy as that is to see Movies on, therefore may become a new threat to the film industry and the anti piracy laws.

How does Niter works?
Niter works by playing uploaded files on external sites, and this is when the debate starts about how illegal can be, because it doesn’t save the content on their servers.

The way the content is played is by streaming, using Flash, Javascript and the newest HTML5 technology that forces the download while its playing in a video player.

Its notable the playing speed, that generally takes between 10 to 15 seconds to start streaming every movie. Once the movie has started is no frequent that pauses or that the screen gets frozen. One of the advantages of using HTML 5 techology is that you can advance the videos by using Chrome, Opera, Safari o Firefox.

The most simple site ever to watch movies online in HD
But Niter goes beyond offering the simpliest way to watch every movie in the best quality, gives to the cinephile user a complete experience, owing the organization of actors, directors and filmography information.; as well as receive the latest movies news.

Niter includes the registration option, with some well done functions as to save favorites, create lists and also, comment movies and news.
Just like another important options to watch movies for free in hd, the site collects a big amount of information through external APIs, including all movies info, as posters, actors data sheets, and even the news are loaded externally. Everything is automatically loaded, securing that no content is going to be lodge in the server, since the content is given by external libraries as Metacritic, Wikipedia, TMDb and IMDB.

Pirates get reinvented more than legal brands
Nowadays we are living a unprecedented change in the entertainment online services that provide free movies online hd, and the user is looking for get the wanted content y a free and fast way. This is where, Netflix and Amazon fail, for no providing a more updated content and a wider repertory.

Hulu, in the other hand, seems to understand that the free and new is what it likes, and has development a business model in which, by showing publicity during the videos, gives the user the latest TV releases for free.

But, just while the users discomfort from cant get the desired content, sites as Popcorn Time, The Pirate Bay and now Niter will keep existing, cause without a big infrastructure behind them, reach the goal and have become in the Piracy online icons.
Niter TV is available for PC, OS, iPhone, iPad, Tablets and Android.

watch movies online free